Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hot Babes In No Cloths

Ecumenism of the Spirit-M.Biernacki

I encourage you to read the article by Marian Biernacki, pastor of the church Christian, New Life''in Gdansk.

I think, to some extent, following the publication shows how the relationship should be the Christian ecumenical movement.
encourage you to critically look at the issues raised in the article and share insights.

Ecumenism SPIRIT

in my mailbox appeared recently invited to the conference "The ecumenism of the Spirit," which in the coming days will be held in the Tri-City, and the speaker will be a certain Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken.

written in the commercial for the conference include: When Christians of various currents of Christianity they see in themselves the same action of the Spirit of God, the secondary doctrinal differences cease to be so important and it is possible to work together for the gospel.

visit [...] Fr. Peter Hocken is especially crucial, therefore, that Europe today needs to hear clearly the voice of justice, speaking in defense of the dignity of life and biblical ethics, as well as in defense of the apostolic faith of the New Testament. For this purpose it is necessary to evangelical Christians and Catholics were able to move along the floor and act in unity.

Increasingly, we see that Poland is becoming a mainstay in Europe, Christianity and biblical values. That we referred to as the Poles who believe in Jesus could be a prophetic sign for Europe, we need unity among us. We believe that the visit of Fr. Peter in the Tri is God's plan.

written also that - Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken is a renowned theologian, scientist, historian of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Pentecostal movement. It is an eminent specialist in the field of ecumenism. In the face of contemporary global changes in Christianity around the world, Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken presents a unique vision, which really enhances the development of new trends in the church.

How should I respond to such an invitation? To better think about it, I ask myself a few ancillary questions:

Is Fr. Dr Hocken jedynozbawczą believes in the role of the Roman Catholic Church? Apparently so, because if it is still a priest, is bound by the official documents of the church, and therefore the declaration "Dominus Iesus," which argues that "there is (...) a Church of Christ, which subsists in the Catholic Church governed by the Successor of Peter and the bishops in communion with him "and that -" only the Catholic faith contains the absolute truth fully. "

Is Father Hocken believes in the existence of purgatory and the meaning of prayer for the dead? Do you believe in the intercession of Mary and the Catholic saints? Do you agree with the cult of relics, saints, statues and paintings? Apparently so, because there is still a member of the church, which preaches such teachings.

Is during a solemn Mass, included in a program of this conference, the priest will be distributed to the faithful real body Christ? Yes, because during the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church, the bread and wine are transformed into real flesh and blood. Mass is - a victim of God Church of folding, through which the faithful are given the merits of sacrifice of the Cross. So the participants, even in the passive form, participate in an act of idolatry.

Bible warns against the spiritual unity of the people who do not respect the Word of God. Who is too far lures young and does not hold the teachings of Christ, hath not God. He who abides in it, this one has both the Father and the Son. If someone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, receive him not into your home and greet no. Who greets him because, participates in his evil deeds. [2JN 1,9-11].

also cautioned against simplistic "uniting with all the spirit that invites us to unity. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. [1 John 4.1].

Finally, the Scriptures themselves pose the question: What sort of an agreement between the temple of God and idols? We are the temple of the living God, as God said: I shall dwell in them and I walked among them, and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And give me explicit instructions: Therefore come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you and I will be your Father, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. [2Ko 6,16-18].

There is no need for further questions. These sufficiently convince me that there can be no question of any unity. "Ecumenism of the Spirit" - it was deceptive. Trying to suggest that the Holy Spirit silent on a healthy, biblical teachings and unites people irrespective of how Understand the gospel and how to proclaim it a visit in itself.

The Polish sites of Christianity and biblical values \u200b\u200bin Europe now, let me rather not mention. And many false prophets will rise and deceive many. [Mt 24.11]. How many?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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At the hairdresser

once came across an interesting anecdote, I'd like to share with readers of the blog. I think that in an interesting and quite funny way, illustrates some of the case.

At the hairdresser

A man went to the hairdresser every month. They began to talk about various issues. Ni from this than from that ensuing discussion about God. Barber said:

- You know, I do not believe that God exists.

- Why do you thinks so? - Asked the customer.

- Well, it's very simple. Just go to the streets to find out that God does not exist. If God existed, do you think it would be so many people sick? There would be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be pain, suffering ... I just can not imagine a God who allows all this. You thought

moment, he wanted to say something, but resigned.
did not want to cause unnecessary debate. When the barber had finished, the customer paid and walked out.
At this point in the street saw a man with a long, neglected beard and hair.
It seemed that for a long time his hair and beard have not seen the barber.
was neglected and dirty. Then the customer came back and said:

- You know what? Barbers do not exist!

- Very funny! How does it not exist? - Barber asked. - I am one of them!

- No! - Answered client. - Barbers do not exist, because if there were, there would be people with long hair and a beard like the one on the street.

- Oh! No! Barbers do exist, it's just people do not come to us voluntarily.

- Exactly. - Said the customer. - Exactly. God exists, it's just people are not looking for him and do it voluntarily. That is why there is so much suffering and pain in the world.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

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Cross Emblem prayer

Nowadays it is not an article and called. ,, Loose thoughts about everyday life'';)

Earlier I wanted to write something about it. The Los somehow rolled the topic is odwlekł. Well-hard, and now you can.

Every day I deal with some other sports, than running My passion is cycling, which cultivate a few years. Together with Christians from different churches in Poland run a sports organization of Christian, a mysterious cipher suite ChGK ;-) More about ChGK can be read here .

not always in winter weather conditions permit to ride a bicycle, which will not cause harm to the health ;-) At such times, an alternative might be running, which, unlike to ride a bike, is good on virtually any weather.

Someone may ask: "What running has to do with prayer?''

Well, can have a great deal. You can run and pray.
In my case it looks like this: getting dressed in sports attire-such that it is easy to run and start to run, during which I talk with the Lord.

I'll tell you that prayer during a run can be a really wonderful experience. Especially when we run the site full of beautiful scenery. Very nice to admire the beauty of God's creation. When I run field tracks or forest roads it is easy to find wild animals such as deer. I could extol the virtues long,, the course of prayer.'' Feeling rwanego breathing and heart pumping fast blood is a priceless feeling

;-) Maybe someone mistakenly think that the course of prayer is something for someone, seriously''deals with the sport. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Virtually anyone can run. No need to be a top athlete. You can run recreationally, run for health, in order to shed a few pounds, or to improve the overall sense of self.

Scientific research shows the health benefits of physical activity. Since the Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit for the health care issue should not be indifferent.

As for running, so as I said, it's hard on the poor conditions for the sport. Snow and frost should not be a problem. Of course we can not forget about the right clothes. Significant is also the choice of appropriate shoes. Recommend a novice to run after a soft surface to avoid such injured joints. Specialist, I am not running, which is why I refer to experts in the subject. I think websites devoted to running, you will find valuable tips.

Running has many advantages. It can be a great form of leisure. The combination of running with a prayer can be really beneficial. Me personally, it's easier to pray in peace and quiet than in noise. Whether it does on the field and forest roads, or evening in the city, when it is dark and hardly anyone is on the streets.

I urge you! I think it's worth a try. Let us be healthy in mind and body!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

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true piety-Marian Biernacki

I share interesting considering Mariana Biernacki-,,''Mark of true devotion

article was published on November 23 last year on the blog of Brother Biernacki.

As the author himself acknowledges the blog, according to what I also want to work, the readers of your blog refers directly to God's Word-the Bible that the disciples of Christ is the guideline.

Here begins the text by M. Biernacki:

Here are two titles from the marketing department of today's portal "Luxury life of trade unionists. Earn 22,000 per month. " "Polish MEPs receive generous salaries from Brussels, but it's making them rich in the country."

What strikes me in these titles? The fact that people are called to care for the welfare of others, most care about it to yourself as much as nachapać. Helped push the hope of ordinary citizens, most of the weak and poor, without any scruple to turn their backs, they think about their own benefits, as if somewhere there again turn to the people, it is only in order to improve their own image. Disgusting.

fact is not at all surprising that in this world, where you look, the naked eye can see a growing gap between rich and poor. Money can change a man. enough that the windows, by whom she had dostrzegałeś other people, add some silver, and now you can only see myself - Rabbi explained the mystery of the creation of a mirror.

Fortunately, there are on this earth, people who hold and cherish in their hearts the principles of the Kingdom of God. Who became a naturalized citizen of the Kingdom, this feels a strong need to share with others what he has. It is simply to this set. This is in the blood. When increasing its income, while rising incomes of its associates. When he is better, then others around him also have the better. Only in one case the environment is experiencing shortages, namely when he is experiencing a crisis and deprivation.

People belonging to God's kingdom are at the heart of the passion of helping the poor, weak, sick and inexperienced. In the morning I spoke today with one woman from Ciechanow engaged in helping the poor. In the evening, old woman from Florida told me that soon her husband leaves to at the mall to raise money to support widows. rest we will do with their retirement - she said. Hallelujah! There are still such people on earth!

not mind me, on what motivates them to such activity? Yet they could sit comfortably in a chair, turn on the TV and enjoy the comforts of their own lives. But they just can not. You can write about them as they had St. Paul wrote to Timothy: For I have another one who would honestly care about you, because most people looking for her, and not what is Christ Jesus [Philippians 2,20-21]. They - for Christ's sake - they really are not looking for benefits for themselves and for others.

This is undoubtedly a sign of true devotion! Pure and undefiled before God and devotion to the Father is this: to help orphans and widows in their distress and to behave themselves not by the world splamionym [James 1.27]. In light of the Bible, the value of aid is measured by the resignation of their own comfort and benefit. Because you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that being rich, became poor for you, that ye his poverty were enriched [2Ko 8,9].

first Christian congregation in such a conception of godliness was on the agenda. There was also one among them who would suffer poverty, because those who owned land or houses, sold them, brought the money from the sale and put at the feet of the apostles, and isolated to anyone as he had need [Acts 4.34 -35]. And how is our church? More or less as it is in my own heart. And you too.