Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hot Babes In No Cloths

Ecumenism of the Spirit-M.Biernacki

I encourage you to read the article by Marian Biernacki, pastor of the church Christian, New Life''in Gdansk.

I think, to some extent, following the publication shows how the relationship should be the Christian ecumenical movement.
encourage you to critically look at the issues raised in the article and share insights.

Ecumenism SPIRIT

in my mailbox appeared recently invited to the conference "The ecumenism of the Spirit," which in the coming days will be held in the Tri-City, and the speaker will be a certain Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken.

written in the commercial for the conference include: When Christians of various currents of Christianity they see in themselves the same action of the Spirit of God, the secondary doctrinal differences cease to be so important and it is possible to work together for the gospel.

visit [...] Fr. Peter Hocken is especially crucial, therefore, that Europe today needs to hear clearly the voice of justice, speaking in defense of the dignity of life and biblical ethics, as well as in defense of the apostolic faith of the New Testament. For this purpose it is necessary to evangelical Christians and Catholics were able to move along the floor and act in unity.

Increasingly, we see that Poland is becoming a mainstay in Europe, Christianity and biblical values. That we referred to as the Poles who believe in Jesus could be a prophetic sign for Europe, we need unity among us. We believe that the visit of Fr. Peter in the Tri is God's plan.

written also that - Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken is a renowned theologian, scientist, historian of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Pentecostal movement. It is an eminent specialist in the field of ecumenism. In the face of contemporary global changes in Christianity around the world, Fr. Dr. Peter Hocken presents a unique vision, which really enhances the development of new trends in the church.

How should I respond to such an invitation? To better think about it, I ask myself a few ancillary questions:

Is Fr. Dr Hocken jedynozbawczÄ… believes in the role of the Roman Catholic Church? Apparently so, because if it is still a priest, is bound by the official documents of the church, and therefore the declaration "Dominus Iesus," which argues that "there is (...) a Church of Christ, which subsists in the Catholic Church governed by the Successor of Peter and the bishops in communion with him "and that -" only the Catholic faith contains the absolute truth fully. "

Is Father Hocken believes in the existence of purgatory and the meaning of prayer for the dead? Do you believe in the intercession of Mary and the Catholic saints? Do you agree with the cult of relics, saints, statues and paintings? Apparently so, because there is still a member of the church, which preaches such teachings.

Is during a solemn Mass, included in a program of this conference, the priest will be distributed to the faithful real body Christ? Yes, because during the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church, the bread and wine are transformed into real flesh and blood. Mass is - a victim of God Church of folding, through which the faithful are given the merits of sacrifice of the Cross. So the participants, even in the passive form, participate in an act of idolatry.

Bible warns against the spiritual unity of the people who do not respect the Word of God. Who is too far lures young and does not hold the teachings of Christ, hath not God. He who abides in it, this one has both the Father and the Son. If someone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, receive him not into your home and greet no. Who greets him because, participates in his evil deeds. [2JN 1,9-11].

also cautioned against simplistic "uniting with all the spirit that invites us to unity. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. [1 John 4.1].

Finally, the Scriptures themselves pose the question: What sort of an agreement between the temple of God and idols? We are the temple of the living God, as God said: I shall dwell in them and I walked among them, and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And give me explicit instructions: Therefore come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you and I will be your Father, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. [2Ko 6,16-18].

There is no need for further questions. These sufficiently convince me that there can be no question of any unity. "Ecumenism of the Spirit" - it was deceptive. Trying to suggest that the Holy Spirit silent on a healthy, biblical teachings and unites people irrespective of how Understand the gospel and how to proclaim it a visit in itself.

The Polish sites of Christianity and biblical values \u200b\u200bin Europe now, let me rather not mention. And many false prophets will rise and deceive many. [Mt 24.11]. How many?


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