Friday, December 18, 2009

Numero De Serie Pinnacle Center

peace not a sword fight

This consideration presents various thoughts on the message of God's Word. I do not want the words included in it were regarded as definitive and infallible, so all I recommend reading the Scripture, which is just infallible.

In the New Testament many times there is a word, the sword.'' The use of the word is very different. We meet with passages that speak of the sword as a tool used during various battles, as a tool of power.

Often, the sword''is used as the comparison serves to illustrate something. Whether we speak of the sword as a weapon, or to talk about,,''another sword, this word is having some kind of power. Indicates the strength.

Lord Jesus Christ said: , "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth do not come to bring peace but a sword'' (Matthew 10:34)

These words may seem strange, especially that several chapters previously read about the love of enemies, and abandoning revenge. When you read a bit
broader context, it is easier to understand what Jesus meant.

Matthew, 10 chapter verses 34 to 40 say

,, 34) Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth do not come to bring peace but a sword. (35) Because I have come to set a man with his father and a daughter from her mother and daughter in law with her mother. (36) This is a man's enemies will become his own household. (37) He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of me. (38) And who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (39) who tries to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will find it. (40)''

It could be a long time to consider this passage. Helpful in understanding may be, of course, read the entire 10th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. Undoubtedly, we can draw from it many valuable lessons.
lesson for us is that people wanting to follow Christ uncompromisingly meet with the sword. And it is the sword used against them.

hear that in many countries, Christians are killed for their faith in Christ. Perhaps, living in a civilized country, not be killed because of being a Christian. Be aware, however, that if you want to go for a radical encounter with God, more or less persecution.
This is not my invention. So says the Word of God

,, all those who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution " (2 Tim. 3:12).

Perhaps you're a Christian, but not natrafiasz to any hostility on the part of the world. It seems to me that it should light up red light.

feel the feeling that many people consider themselves Christians, there is nothing to be harassed by the spiritually dead world! Of course, there will be people who are willing to kill all in any way connected with Christianity. For this reason, even though, the Christians of the names''are at risk. Not less, but it is likely that the modern world of tolerance, will have no problems with accepting someone else's,, religious differences.''
problems are coming, when someone tries to follow the recommendations of the Word of God.

Think, for which we should be persecuted, if we take their faith very seriously and those who practice idolatrous cults call, no problem, his brothers?

Why are believers, do not like''Christians, if the political correctness and compliance with applicable laws apply to the rights which manifestly violate the Word of God?

Why do people from outside would have to wage war against us, if the churches declare themselves to be evangelical, it creates a special caste of priests, under the generally accepted division between clergy and laity? Caste, which his authority wzmonić wants a piece of white plastic at the neck.

do not want to judge individuals. I would like to look at a couple of attitudes and situations from the life of modern evangelical churches.
Often heard as a young person comes from a family of traditional religious converts to God. Often, it is a huge issue for that person. I have heard Christians say that the wait the adoption of the Biblical water baptism, until you reach a certain age, or freedom from unsaved families.

I have very mixed feelings on this issue. As we know, water baptism does not save, but wait with him a large extent, may cause, blunt sword,''directed against Christians.

second more extreme situation. Young person who is dependent on the parents' religious-Catholic Know God. Family adversity is what to attend their son or daughter in the meetings of the Church, what is worse he wants to force him to accede to the sacrament of Confirmation.
admit, with great sadness, already have met Christians who are ready to send a believing person, to join non-Christian rite to niewywołania conflicts with his family.
problem is complex. It is essential that a young person's intransigence, but also important is, the protective function''of the Church, which is more than saying: "We will pray for peace in your home,''

not enough examples. Remember that God does not tolerate compromise. Warns us against spiritual lukewarmness.
For us, however, to decide if you want to be on friendly terms with the world or with God.


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