Monday, December 7, 2009

Muslim Marriage Congratulation Message

spiritual, The Gospel Skandalu''-Bartosz Sokół

time to time I would like to share with you articles of other authors. Today, valuable consideration,, the Gospel Scandal''by Bartosz Sokol, a member of the Church polkowickiego.

I am glad that there are Christians who do not want to compromise with the world. We highly recommend reading the article.

,, Gospel Scandal

Christianity found today in the crossfire of criticism, but many do not notice that the raging flames of hatred are useful only to the light of the Gospel.
democracy in a pluralistic world condemns the parochialism of Christianity. Writing about Christianity I do not mean a particular denomination or religious organization. Rather, a living faith, based on the Bible, which is characterized today millions of people around the world, including in Western countries.
Christianity became synonymous with the cocksure philosopher, with disastrous certainly considers himself despozytariusza ultimate truth. What is worse, not merely a passive delektowaniu found true, but his point of view of trying to impose on other thinkers, doing so in a decidedly indelicate. Most known

echoed in Europe reflected the conviction of a Swedish pastor Ake Green's term of imprisonment for publicly calling homosexuality a sin. Pentecostal minister prepared a sermon, in which quoting the Bible, presented the issue of homosexuality from God's point of view. He was accused of the worst intentions, has received many letters threatening to become the Swedish public enemy number one. Many people have spoken before the cameras: "The scandal - can not say that someone does something wrong, just because you think so! Scandal! How can you say that one's faith is wrong, and your right? Scandal! Dared to call me a sinner. " Let us not ask why the pastor Ake Green preached the Gospel to the public scandal. Pytajmy why not make the other Swedish pastors! Płaczmy not only deceived the state of the world, płaczmy silent on the state of the Church.

approaching a difficult time for the living Church of Jesus Christ. In the name of democracy and freedom religion deprived of our right to express their faith. Christ has become an uncomfortable figure for today's philosophy of equality. Besides, have you ever been comfortable? We should not delude up - if he were alive today, no one zaprosiłby him to participate in the televised debate, would not have found on the cover of Newsweek, a wide ranging intelligence would treat him like a religious Lepper - lightly. Why are we, His followers, should be treated differently? In the name of political correctness knebluje mouth is biblically faithful, at the same time putting memorials to Christ! They try to take the edge off cutting edge of Christianity, hoping that will stop hurting. You can not never forget that the Gospel is not the sword, is a surgical scalpel blade. Does not hurt there to take effect. Rani in order to keep them.

A man stabbed another man once heavily on a nearby wall, knocking up with him. This, much thought, he struck him several times in the face, thinking that he was attacked. Only cry nadbiegającego passerby reminded him what it was: "Leave him alone, this man has saved your life by protecting against oncoming truck. " Young man with headphones on his ears did not hear the noise of the engine.

I want to bring a simple message of the true disciples of Jesus Christ. There comes a time of persecution. The time at which the world will beat us in the face, not knowing that we want to save human souls before the next court date.
Many of us will be locked in prison, sentenced to fines and shaming publicly. The democratic world will try to get rid of the niereformowalnych fundamentalists who call evil evil, and sin sin. In an era of globalized culture, and pop-religion no room for uncompromising Christ, who with fire in their eyes a sin condemned the Pharisees!
time has come for the Church twenty-first century, when the gospel is to cleanse the accretions of many centuries. keep in your hand a diamond that does not reflect light. It is time, when the glow of the true Gospel back blind the world! Now is the time when it pops out a compromise on the gospel of the gospel of the scandal. time has come when every child can learn the pulpit, which proclaims the true gospel - will be surrounded by yellow police tape with the inscription allowed! There comes a time gospel scandal.

I want you, but to comfort, we are just the next generation of a long line of generations that have become on the streets claiming that the sky tattered Bible, preaching sin, the court and the grace of Christ! The Apostles were not persecuted for the Gospel, who said that salvation is in Christ. The first witnesses gave their lives for the gospel, which states that salvation is only in Christ. "And there is no salvation in any other, because there is no other name given among men by which we be saved! " (Acts. 4:12).

And this gospel of the scandal aroused in multiethnic and multicultural societies? It is this Gospel of crowded prison workers, praczkami, fishermen and all those who whispered with admirable persistence: there is none other salvation! "Your gods are merely human creations in silver and gold, save against the wrath to come," and the cry of the Roman Empire was filled with death and zmartwychstaniu Christ! Christ is the only way to God! Christ is the only God!

In the dictionary Gospel scandal is not the word "compromise." Any settlement in this matter so much interfere with the essence of the Good News that it relinquishes to his saving power! Had happened today, right? The political world of unprecedented consequence of moving towards eliminating the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute truth. "What is true for a Christian, is not necessarily the same for muzłumanina" - they say, they suggest the relativism of all truth. The main objective of today's ideologues became a perfect fit for all religious and philosophical concepts, so that your dogmatyzem not violate tenets of other concepts. Because Yet we all want peace.

I never thought I'd paraphrased Joseph Beck, however, falls to do so: "We, as Christians, we do not know the concept of peace at any price!

" And ye shall be hated of all men for my name, but he who endures to the end shall be saved!" (Mark 13:13)

I am afraid that it is time to choose.
You can talk about the love of Jesus, to accept everything that you did not accept God and call himself a Christian. What's more: the world will also be call you a Christian. Before you put your name on a few epithets łechcących ear: a progressive, developmental, enlightened. Maybe even your church will call you a "good chrześcijaniem. But if you're really there, you know that it has no meaning! What do you think of heaven? What do people think about you in hell? You get medals and diplomas for bridging between Christianity and the world. You can be respected by others and known throughout the world, but the day comes that terrible day, when you hear from the lips of God: "I do not know you! Depart from me, you, who you do evil! " (Matthew. 7:22-23).

God through persecution separates the two kinds of people: those for whom the cross is the power of salvation, and those for whom it is an addition to the creation. Are you ready to pay the price? Leonard Ravenhill once said: "If Christ preached the Gospel so that today's evangelists preach, I never would have been crucified." It moves me to witness the world's first witnesses of Christ's relentless. We should write the words on the doors of our buildings, you can not build a better Ad:

"Behold those who have made havoc in the entire world, and they got here!" (Acts. 17:6).

Gospel scandal wreaking havoc. Grated storm patterns, exposes a carefully masked sin provokes extreme emotions. It is something more than "God loves you and has a plan for your life." When spreading the gospel of scandal do not count on applause. Expect broken people and broken (unfortunately - for you) sticks. It's nothing that the world will fill us his imprisonment, it's that trampled our rights and stifle our cry! It's nothing that we give up and condemn the social alienation. The world has learned an important lesson: wanting to silence of Christ on the cross, meant that he now calls by millions around the world paragraphs! If you want to destroy Christianity has killed millions of Christians, but today, on the soil with their blood sytej, churches have grown millions of living witnesses to the greatness of God! Now is the time when the Church twenty-first century will have to suffer. Traces
szwedzkego pastor will return to the headlines, exposing the hate and rejection. Will hang over our head, the same sword that hung over the apostle Paul. Stand before the same cross, before which he became the apostle Peter. We use the benefits of the goods at the supermarket called the Church for many years, it's time to approach the cash register.

I dream about one. Dreaming of the exalted Christ. Sometimes, during the dark, sleepless nights talking with God, dreaming of a generation of young Christians who will honor their King. I dream of streets full of Christians who bring the world the message of simple, eternal, glorious and invariably skadalicznej Gospel! I see people who listen to hate with a grimace on his face. I see the crowd chanting: "On the cross with them." I can see demonstrations, dashed banners of "freedom" and banners with a line through the cross. But I see a group of weeping, broken people somewhere in the forgotten corners of the streets! Their faces shine, cry, laugh, cry out: "It's true! Jesus is alive, He saved me. " The demonstration goes on. Raised, clenched fists, children with balloons, colorful posters. I see Christians, clad in handcuffs. They walk in the footsteps of Paul and Silas: insult the majesty of the State, a breach of the existing order of things wywrotowość, revolutionism! But there is no fear in their eyes, only tears of joy when they witness said a group on a street corner, who sings already in place, "Jesus is alive, I'm free! Satan is defeated. "

come soon, and after them, only to see more people on the street corners, holding in his hand his little Bible! You can not keep up. Fuelled goals, hasty judgments. Yet we still hear the song at midnight! The song carries an echo of victory more than the execution and hitting volleys whip! Not understand the world is watching with admiration at the apostle Peter, who is facing his own cross and whispers, "crucify me upside down, I am not worthy to die in such a way as my Savior ...". Chinese guards listen in silence prison preachers. The sky never knew grander orators, and those forgotten, toothless peasants in prison rags, who decorate their sermons groans of pain and whispers rwanych breaths! Yeah, I still hear the song! Stephen stonest Somewhere, somewhere in Africa they kill the girl, left piles of burning, but I still hear the song! In spite strzałom guns blazing, in spite of the hoarse voices of hate-you hear the song!

generation of Christians is heard Paul and Silas, who cry, "Fill us your prisons, we will fill your prisons through his Gospel." I see
awakened and penitent prison guards. I see Meszachów Szedrachów and twenty-first century - children and young people who sit alone on school breaks, staring at the Bible! I hear the laughter, insults and curses. But there is something that stands out above the crowd cry! Yes! Song! You can hear the song! The song, which knows no beginning and no end! Song stronger than the persecution and death. Song of the filling hospital rooms and prison goals, and hope for news of the victory! The song sung in accompaniment brzęczących handcuffs, whips whistling and rifle volleys. The song on the lips of all nations and races! Ah, that one song known by all Christians will find its end only in eternity! Soon we will somewhere among the heavenly meadows, surrounded by millions of angels playing music, which was not even dreamed of Beethoven and Mozart! Stand there, and our heavenly faces will flow tears of happiness! Become fulfilled with a sense of mission and their actions. We will meet the One who was, is and will be the content of the songs of eternity! Fall on their faces, unable to pronounce words because of the magnificence of his presence. And then play the harp. And the angels will start a song, so well known to the winners! Song of the prisons and Stacks, a song written tears and pain ... The song, which is today in the hearts of millions of people, carrying the world to Christ. May you know the words.

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and who is and who is to come. You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power because you created all things, and thy will has been created, and has arisen! "(Revelation 4:8, 11)''

I would recommend other articles by this author. Selections include here and here :)


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