Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cost Of Hair Straightening Singapore

New Year ;-) Greetings

year ends, make a fitting ;-) greetings

I wish every one a member of The Church of Jesus Christ, to be able to live a full of the Holy Spirit, fruit of the Spirit to fulfill our lives.
My pragniemem is that we can accept with humility, each appointed by the Lord's ways. May the Lord directs our lives!. Remember that he truly thinks of us wants the best for us! :) I wish the Church was full to capacity and had a proper impact on the world. To the border between the two was clear and impassable.

I want my life and the life was the life of all for Christ. Let us live with God and stick to the roads. Let compromise with sin will not have access to the doors of our lives.

could wish for many different things. Can mention a few of my desires. I want us as disciples of Christ not only to keep his teaching, but also with all the bravery and courage were able to exhort the brothers in the ongoing sins. Wrong! :) Otherwise ... I want us to wish that there was no one among us who sins. I know that we are imperfect and excellence achieve in Heaven, not less, and my God's will is that we AT ALL not sin. Dążmy for this purpose. Let us live holy and blameless life.

We would also like to wish those who have not chosen the path of Christ, that it did. No matter how far you are from God today. God's will is that you may live with Him for ever. God is eager to save you today. Has already paid the price for you. Thy waiting for a response. Do not hesitate!

wish I could go on and wish for :-) In my humble wish is that were coming more and more readers to my blog and what is placed on it was always consistent with God's will.

Originally planned to post here more often publications. Today, for various reasons do not want to declare how often I will write. Not less, but I will try from time to time something embed:) Most likely will be further elaborated articles appeared, but also looser thoughts, notes, etc. Information

Therefore, I wish you a Happy New Year, that our happiness was not dependent on external circumstances . we may able to say with David: , but my happiness is to be close to God,'' (Psalm 73:28)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Numero De Serie Pinnacle Center

peace not a sword fight

This consideration presents various thoughts on the message of God's Word. I do not want the words included in it were regarded as definitive and infallible, so all I recommend reading the Scripture, which is just infallible.

In the New Testament many times there is a word, the sword.'' The use of the word is very different. We meet with passages that speak of the sword as a tool used during various battles, as a tool of power.

Often, the sword''is used as the comparison serves to illustrate something. Whether we speak of the sword as a weapon, or to talk about,,''another sword, this word is having some kind of power. Indicates the strength.

Lord Jesus Christ said: , "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth do not come to bring peace but a sword'' (Matthew 10:34)

These words may seem strange, especially that several chapters previously read about the love of enemies, and abandoning revenge. When you read a bit
broader context, it is easier to understand what Jesus meant.

Matthew, 10 chapter verses 34 to 40 say

,, 34) Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth do not come to bring peace but a sword. (35) Because I have come to set a man with his father and a daughter from her mother and daughter in law with her mother. (36) This is a man's enemies will become his own household. (37) He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of me. (38) And who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (39) who tries to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will find it. (40)''

It could be a long time to consider this passage. Helpful in understanding may be, of course, read the entire 10th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. Undoubtedly, we can draw from it many valuable lessons.
lesson for us is that people wanting to follow Christ uncompromisingly meet with the sword. And it is the sword used against them.

hear that in many countries, Christians are killed for their faith in Christ. Perhaps, living in a civilized country, not be killed because of being a Christian. Be aware, however, that if you want to go for a radical encounter with God, more or less persecution.
This is not my invention. So says the Word of God

,, all those who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution " (2 Tim. 3:12).

Perhaps you're a Christian, but not natrafiasz to any hostility on the part of the world. It seems to me that it should light up red light.

feel the feeling that many people consider themselves Christians, there is nothing to be harassed by the spiritually dead world! Of course, there will be people who are willing to kill all in any way connected with Christianity. For this reason, even though, the Christians of the names''are at risk. Not less, but it is likely that the modern world of tolerance, will have no problems with accepting someone else's,, religious differences.''
problems are coming, when someone tries to follow the recommendations of the Word of God.

Think, for which we should be persecuted, if we take their faith very seriously and those who practice idolatrous cults call, no problem, his brothers?

Why are believers, do not like''Christians, if the political correctness and compliance with applicable laws apply to the rights which manifestly violate the Word of God?

Why do people from outside would have to wage war against us, if the churches declare themselves to be evangelical, it creates a special caste of priests, under the generally accepted division between clergy and laity? Caste, which his authority wzmonić wants a piece of white plastic at the neck.

do not want to judge individuals. I would like to look at a couple of attitudes and situations from the life of modern evangelical churches.
Often heard as a young person comes from a family of traditional religious converts to God. Often, it is a huge issue for that person. I have heard Christians say that the wait the adoption of the Biblical water baptism, until you reach a certain age, or freedom from unsaved families.

I have very mixed feelings on this issue. As we know, water baptism does not save, but wait with him a large extent, may cause, blunt sword,''directed against Christians.

second more extreme situation. Young person who is dependent on the parents' religious-Catholic Know God. Family adversity is what to attend their son or daughter in the meetings of the Church, what is worse he wants to force him to accede to the sacrament of Confirmation.
admit, with great sadness, already have met Christians who are ready to send a believing person, to join non-Christian rite to niewywołania conflicts with his family.
problem is complex. It is essential that a young person's intransigence, but also important is, the protective function''of the Church, which is more than saying: "We will pray for peace in your home,''

not enough examples. Remember that God does not tolerate compromise. Warns us against spiritual lukewarmness.
For us, however, to decide if you want to be on friendly terms with the world or with God.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Xxl Femei În Brâuri Vids

previously examined, the total niebiblijność excuse murder. The Word of God has shown us that nohow irreconcilable any profession that requires killing fellow human beings, the life according to the teaching of the New Testament.

really, however, Christians can not engage in any military action? The answer is Christian, not only can, but it has obligation to engage in war. And it's not, only for treatment of victims of war but a struggle on the first front!

Someone may say: "What are you talking about? First you write that Christians can not kill, and then you say that Christian duty is to engage in active combat?''

I think some, no problem, understand what I mean. There is no contradiction NO.

Christian duty is spiritual warfare. The Word of God says:

,, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but with nadziemskimi authorities with
zwierzchnościami, the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places''blue
(Eph 6:12)

You know Brother, Sister, Friend, the Devil, along with his troops want to destroy the works of God. One of the purposes of Satan is to reverse the people of God, brought them to the wilderness and the bottom of the abyss. To a place where there is no divine presence.

Now that we know that we are in struggle not against flesh and blood, then it would be interesting to know how in an effective way to do it.

Someone, probably rightly, noted that frequent error among Christians, is too great interest in the forces of darkness. The second mistake is the ignorance of their existence.
I read about quite a strange practices, such as the mapping of geographical locations where the rule of demons is the strongest.
Personally, I do not find in the Word of God to justify their actions.
Satan may act in different ways. Supernatural manifestations may occur under darkness. We can also be attacked,, the usual''methods, which have no signs of miracles.
goal remains the same-turn as much as possible people from God. We must remember that evil does not sleep.

important place in the Bible speaks about the Christian war is mentioned, the message of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Let us see some of the broader context:''

11) Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the snares of the devil. (12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but with nadziemskimi authorities, with zwierzchnościami, the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (13) Therefore take up the whole armor God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand. (14) Stand therefore, girded up his loins truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness (15) and obuwszy feet, to be ready for the gospel of peace (16) and, above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked ( 17) take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. (18)''
(Ephesians 6:11-17)

Every Christian should ask himself the question: "Can I use the proper orężu in the fight with the Kingdom of the Dark?''

Please note that an important turning the battle with the forces of the devil is the existence of the Church. Church-Family of God, thank God, has enormous power. The Lord Jesus Christ said that he will build a church which the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
is extremely important to understand the purpose of the Church. Thanks to the Church are not Christians (or at least should not) for themselves strangers. They are truly brothers and sisters. They have the privilege and responsibility to care for the spiritual state of the family. How

and pathological sad thing when the Church is less than its protective function , where, despite the fact that we are members of the Church, we are like strangers to one another and indifferent. In such circumstances, it is hard to resist the attacks of the devil. Moreover it is antyświadectwo the world.

look that, even in nature there are some similarities to the action of the Church. When we look at the behavior of wild animals, can be seen that often, so that the predator selects the victim, who is away from the herd, or is simply weak. The same applies to our body. A weakened immune system, is more susceptible to disease. Similarly
things are on the spiritual battlefield. Therefore, it is extremely important for the Church to meet in an appropriate manner, the protective function that was truly the Church of Christ.
course, this is two-way relationship. It is very important to individual members of the Church persisted in the community that do not stray from the congregation of believers.

us answer a recommendation or keep God's Word. Do you wrestle a winning battle. Are our churches local communities are strong fortresses, which the devil's authority can not overpower.

God bless you!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Muslim Marriage Congratulation Message

spiritual, The Gospel Skandalu''-Bartosz Sokół

time to time I would like to share with you articles of other authors. Today, valuable consideration,, the Gospel Scandal''by Bartosz Sokol, a member of the Church polkowickiego.

I am glad that there are Christians who do not want to compromise with the world. We highly recommend reading the article.

,, Gospel Scandal

Christianity found today in the crossfire of criticism, but many do not notice that the raging flames of hatred are useful only to the light of the Gospel.
democracy in a pluralistic world condemns the parochialism of Christianity. Writing about Christianity I do not mean a particular denomination or religious organization. Rather, a living faith, based on the Bible, which is characterized today millions of people around the world, including in Western countries.
Christianity became synonymous with the cocksure philosopher, with disastrous certainly considers himself despozytariusza ultimate truth. What is worse, not merely a passive delektowaniu found true, but his point of view of trying to impose on other thinkers, doing so in a decidedly indelicate. Most known

echoed in Europe reflected the conviction of a Swedish pastor Ake Green's term of imprisonment for publicly calling homosexuality a sin. Pentecostal minister prepared a sermon, in which quoting the Bible, presented the issue of homosexuality from God's point of view. He was accused of the worst intentions, has received many letters threatening to become the Swedish public enemy number one. Many people have spoken before the cameras: "The scandal - can not say that someone does something wrong, just because you think so! Scandal! How can you say that one's faith is wrong, and your right? Scandal! Dared to call me a sinner. " Let us not ask why the pastor Ake Green preached the Gospel to the public scandal. Pytajmy why not make the other Swedish pastors! Płaczmy not only deceived the state of the world, płaczmy silent on the state of the Church.

approaching a difficult time for the living Church of Jesus Christ. In the name of democracy and freedom religion deprived of our right to express their faith. Christ has become an uncomfortable figure for today's philosophy of equality. Besides, have you ever been comfortable? We should not delude up - if he were alive today, no one zaprosiłby him to participate in the televised debate, would not have found on the cover of Newsweek, a wide ranging intelligence would treat him like a religious Lepper - lightly. Why are we, His followers, should be treated differently? In the name of political correctness knebluje mouth is biblically faithful, at the same time putting memorials to Christ! They try to take the edge off cutting edge of Christianity, hoping that will stop hurting. You can not never forget that the Gospel is not the sword, is a surgical scalpel blade. Does not hurt there to take effect. Rani in order to keep them.

A man stabbed another man once heavily on a nearby wall, knocking up with him. This, much thought, he struck him several times in the face, thinking that he was attacked. Only cry nadbiegającego passerby reminded him what it was: "Leave him alone, this man has saved your life by protecting against oncoming truck. " Young man with headphones on his ears did not hear the noise of the engine.

I want to bring a simple message of the true disciples of Jesus Christ. There comes a time of persecution. The time at which the world will beat us in the face, not knowing that we want to save human souls before the next court date.
Many of us will be locked in prison, sentenced to fines and shaming publicly. The democratic world will try to get rid of the niereformowalnych fundamentalists who call evil evil, and sin sin. In an era of globalized culture, and pop-religion no room for uncompromising Christ, who with fire in their eyes a sin condemned the Pharisees!
time has come for the Church twenty-first century, when the gospel is to cleanse the accretions of many centuries. keep in your hand a diamond that does not reflect light. It is time, when the glow of the true Gospel back blind the world! Now is the time when it pops out a compromise on the gospel of the gospel of the scandal. time has come when every child can learn the pulpit, which proclaims the true gospel - will be surrounded by yellow police tape with the inscription allowed! There comes a time gospel scandal.

I want you, but to comfort, we are just the next generation of a long line of generations that have become on the streets claiming that the sky tattered Bible, preaching sin, the court and the grace of Christ! The Apostles were not persecuted for the Gospel, who said that salvation is in Christ. The first witnesses gave their lives for the gospel, which states that salvation is only in Christ. "And there is no salvation in any other, because there is no other name given among men by which we be saved! " (Acts. 4:12).

And this gospel of the scandal aroused in multiethnic and multicultural societies? It is this Gospel of crowded prison workers, praczkami, fishermen and all those who whispered with admirable persistence: there is none other salvation! "Your gods are merely human creations in silver and gold, save against the wrath to come," and the cry of the Roman Empire was filled with death and zmartwychstaniu Christ! Christ is the only way to God! Christ is the only God!

In the dictionary Gospel scandal is not the word "compromise." Any settlement in this matter so much interfere with the essence of the Good News that it relinquishes to his saving power! Had happened today, right? The political world of unprecedented consequence of moving towards eliminating the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute truth. "What is true for a Christian, is not necessarily the same for muzłumanina" - they say, they suggest the relativism of all truth. The main objective of today's ideologues became a perfect fit for all religious and philosophical concepts, so that your dogmatyzem not violate tenets of other concepts. Because Yet we all want peace.

I never thought I'd paraphrased Joseph Beck, however, falls to do so: "We, as Christians, we do not know the concept of peace at any price!

" And ye shall be hated of all men for my name, but he who endures to the end shall be saved!" (Mark 13:13)

I am afraid that it is time to choose.
You can talk about the love of Jesus, to accept everything that you did not accept God and call himself a Christian. What's more: the world will also be call you a Christian. Before you put your name on a few epithets łechcących ear: a progressive, developmental, enlightened. Maybe even your church will call you a "good chrześcijaniem. But if you're really there, you know that it has no meaning! What do you think of heaven? What do people think about you in hell? You get medals and diplomas for bridging between Christianity and the world. You can be respected by others and known throughout the world, but the day comes that terrible day, when you hear from the lips of God: "I do not know you! Depart from me, you, who you do evil! " (Matthew. 7:22-23).

God through persecution separates the two kinds of people: those for whom the cross is the power of salvation, and those for whom it is an addition to the creation. Are you ready to pay the price? Leonard Ravenhill once said: "If Christ preached the Gospel so that today's evangelists preach, I never would have been crucified." It moves me to witness the world's first witnesses of Christ's relentless. We should write the words on the doors of our buildings, you can not build a better Ad:

"Behold those who have made havoc in the entire world, and they got here!" (Acts. 17:6).

Gospel scandal wreaking havoc. Grated storm patterns, exposes a carefully masked sin provokes extreme emotions. It is something more than "God loves you and has a plan for your life." When spreading the gospel of scandal do not count on applause. Expect broken people and broken (unfortunately - for you) sticks. It's nothing that the world will fill us his imprisonment, it's that trampled our rights and stifle our cry! It's nothing that we give up and condemn the social alienation. The world has learned an important lesson: wanting to silence of Christ on the cross, meant that he now calls by millions around the world paragraphs! If you want to destroy Christianity has killed millions of Christians, but today, on the soil with their blood sytej, churches have grown millions of living witnesses to the greatness of God! Now is the time when the Church twenty-first century will have to suffer. Traces
szwedzkego pastor will return to the headlines, exposing the hate and rejection. Will hang over our head, the same sword that hung over the apostle Paul. Stand before the same cross, before which he became the apostle Peter. We use the benefits of the goods at the supermarket called the Church for many years, it's time to approach the cash register.

I dream about one. Dreaming of the exalted Christ. Sometimes, during the dark, sleepless nights talking with God, dreaming of a generation of young Christians who will honor their King. I dream of streets full of Christians who bring the world the message of simple, eternal, glorious and invariably skadalicznej Gospel! I see people who listen to hate with a grimace on his face. I see the crowd chanting: "On the cross with them." I can see demonstrations, dashed banners of "freedom" and banners with a line through the cross. But I see a group of weeping, broken people somewhere in the forgotten corners of the streets! Their faces shine, cry, laugh, cry out: "It's true! Jesus is alive, He saved me. " The demonstration goes on. Raised, clenched fists, children with balloons, colorful posters. I see Christians, clad in handcuffs. They walk in the footsteps of Paul and Silas: insult the majesty of the State, a breach of the existing order of things wywrotowość, revolutionism! But there is no fear in their eyes, only tears of joy when they witness said a group on a street corner, who sings already in place, "Jesus is alive, I'm free! Satan is defeated. "

come soon, and after them, only to see more people on the street corners, holding in his hand his little Bible! You can not keep up. Fuelled goals, hasty judgments. Yet we still hear the song at midnight! The song carries an echo of victory more than the execution and hitting volleys whip! Not understand the world is watching with admiration at the apostle Peter, who is facing his own cross and whispers, "crucify me upside down, I am not worthy to die in such a way as my Savior ...". Chinese guards listen in silence prison preachers. The sky never knew grander orators, and those forgotten, toothless peasants in prison rags, who decorate their sermons groans of pain and whispers rwanych breaths! Yeah, I still hear the song! Stephen stonest Somewhere, somewhere in Africa they kill the girl, left piles of burning, but I still hear the song! In spite strzałom guns blazing, in spite of the hoarse voices of hate-you hear the song!

generation of Christians is heard Paul and Silas, who cry, "Fill us your prisons, we will fill your prisons through his Gospel." I see
awakened and penitent prison guards. I see Meszachów Szedrachów and twenty-first century - children and young people who sit alone on school breaks, staring at the Bible! I hear the laughter, insults and curses. But there is something that stands out above the crowd cry! Yes! Song! You can hear the song! The song, which knows no beginning and no end! Song stronger than the persecution and death. Song of the filling hospital rooms and prison goals, and hope for news of the victory! The song sung in accompaniment brzęczących handcuffs, whips whistling and rifle volleys. The song on the lips of all nations and races! Ah, that one song known by all Christians will find its end only in eternity! Soon we will somewhere among the heavenly meadows, surrounded by millions of angels playing music, which was not even dreamed of Beethoven and Mozart! Stand there, and our heavenly faces will flow tears of happiness! Become fulfilled with a sense of mission and their actions. We will meet the One who was, is and will be the content of the songs of eternity! Fall on their faces, unable to pronounce words because of the magnificence of his presence. And then play the harp. And the angels will start a song, so well known to the winners! Song of the prisons and Stacks, a song written tears and pain ... The song, which is today in the hearts of millions of people, carrying the world to Christ. May you know the words.

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and who is and who is to come. You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power because you created all things, and thy will has been created, and has arisen! "(Revelation 4:8, 11)''

I would recommend other articles by this author. Selections include here and here :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Service Intialization Failed Mac

acumen, niedomyślność .... A can sincerity? Note

I considered, briefly, the subject, which for now can not find an unequivocal answer the Word of God. This does not mean, however, that the subject is irrelevant to the Christian.

often heard when someone has someone to bad that non-default mapping is that for someone, illegible''is silent, behavior, gestures or even words of others.
alleged, often, the people that they can not guess the thoughts, intentions of their interlocutors that something is not explicitly said. In the absence of
domyślności, problems often arise, frustration and conflict.

After all, I am more an advocate than domyślności niedomyślności.
Niedomyślność can lead to confusion, as is the case with domyślnością.

guess I'm not a supporter, on the grounds that it sometimes happens that people think that something I think, and I think something completely different than they think ;-) I think

often accused me something was complete untrue. They told me something that I think about someone or something, whereas what I been told, not even crossed my mind.
were found in my posts things that there really was not
;-) I suspect that many of you met with anything like that. This is, unfortunately, for having extraordinary popularity. Blame for this is .... acumen.

Often by those who practice acumen, niedomyślni may be regarded as very intelligent. It seems that, largely for not practicing domyślności is not so much low level of intelligence, every ordinary care.
caution so as not to assess someone wrongly.

I'm not saying that the penetration is in itself evil. You can be a default. However, building on speculation is not very reasonable.

God, just as before, and today distributes spiritual gifts to different believers. The Word of God says about the gift of discernment of spirits, the Bible also says the gift of prophecy. I believe that God can give you a believer know the thoughts of another person, may reveal secret of her heart.
Then there will be no room for conjecture.

As a prescription for, disease, caused domyślnością''or lack of it, I would recommend to us ... the sincerity

,, Therefore, putting away falsehood, speak truth each with his neighbor ''(Ephesians 4:25)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

' Indir

visit! Evangelism with a gun in his hand? (Revised)

Today I would consider quite an interesting topic.

The evangelical Christianity can meet many people who argue that Christians in appropriate cases can kill. They support the involvement of people believers in the military action of this world.

At one time I heard about water baptism, the American soldiers during the war in Iraq. It seems that in one day of the faith are baptized, and the second going to kill.

Someone may not see here, nothing contrary to the Christian faith. However, in view of the Bible is a great exception.

Jesus Christ never gave permission for it to the Church of God engaged in a war.
Maybe someone would say that the Bible nowhere speaks openly about the fact that Christian is not be a soldier. That's true. The Word of God is hard to find, too, the prohibition of being addicted to cocaine. The Bible does not also find anything on pornographic magazines.

Are those reasons, we can say that these things have nothing to do with sin? Certainly not.

Although the Word of God does not say explicitly: "Do not be a soldier of the U.S. Army''is interesting is the combination of the following words from being a killer:

,, heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! But I say unto you, resist not evil. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also The person who wants to sue you and take your robe, cloak Who forces you to go with him one mile, go two thousand! Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from whoever wants to borrow from you.

have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies and pray for those who have persecute so you will be sons of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. If you love those who love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what you do special? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be ye perfect as your Father is perfect blue.''

course in light of the Word of God Profession of paid assassins, whether it is working in the service of government,''Christian America, whether it is a mercenary Al-Qaeda is not in any way incompatible with being Christian. How can one reconcile the love of enemies with a willingness to kill them?

outrage I can already see people having a different opinion.

on Polish soil, I met with quite an advanced deception in this matter. I think in most evangelical denominations in Poland, I found, at least part of which is present in the apostate teachings. Meets infrequently, that the leaders of the churches open support the killing. They are supporters of killing in self-defense, the work of Christians in the army, police and other organizations where there is no place for a Christian.

Ba! I know a great church that he invited the sheriff to the United States, which,,''evangelize the local police. What a hideous delusion?

once talked to a wise pastor, who said that today the Church of crept up on many secular teachings. Starting with indecent conduct, the acceptance of divorce and remarriages, to promote military service.

As for the spiritual state of the Church today seems to be in place to quote words of the prophet Jeremiah: ,, Ah! How sczerniało gold, the precious metal!'' (Tr. 4-1)

now completed Word:

, the Spirit expressly says that in later times some depart from the faith and the nearest to the deceitful spirits and they will hear ''satanic teachings. (1 Tim. 4:1-2)

2Tym.4 ,3-4: ,, For the time will come that will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their nazbierają preferences to themselves teachers, eager for this, having itching ears. I turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.''

I advise all of us, let's not design with Christians and churches who take only the semblance of piety. Model for us, let it be Jesus Christ. We take a model from whom.