Andersen, the son of an illiterate laundress
Born on April 2, 1805 in the poorest district of Odense, the son of 27-year old shoemaker Hans Andersen and 30-year-old, illiterate washerwoman Anne Marie Andersdatter from home (other sources say that being 15 years older than Hans Christian).'s father died of complications after the participation in the Napoleonic War, the mother due to alcoholism. On the day of birth, was baptized at home, due to the fact that in those days, many babies died immediately after birth and was baptized on April 15 at St. John in Odense. ... In the land of
fairy pioneered by his grandmother (father's side). Andersen met with her in a psychiatric hospital, where he lived his ill grandfather. Several themes of the stories his grandmother was later used by Andersen in his works. After the death of his father and mother re-married (with Niels Gunersenem) Andersen in September 1819 he moved to Copenhagen, with the intention of becoming an actor. In the years 1820-1821 he attended the ballet school in Copenhagen. He tried playing in a theater, but not adopted it. He began his career as a singer with a high soprano, but lost it after the mutation.
.. at all costs trying to be as close to the theater, which debuted in 1829 as the author of art Kjærlighed paa Nicolaj Taarn (Love on the Nicholas Tower). Since that time, he wrote many plays, which have not always enjoyed success. Due to the lack of art education were full of spelling errors, punctuation and style. Critics have since the beginning rejected them. With perseverance, he got a scholarship in 1822 the king, which enabled him to continue attending school and later college. Jonas Collins helped him, who from the beginning believed in the boy's talent. His son, Edvardzie Andersen in love, which begins its bisexual adventures. More reliable financial situation allowed to continue their creative work and development of interests. He visited almost all of Europe. Curiosity about the world and people, but also the spirit of continuous anxiety, loneliness, complexes, complex nature of the eccentric, over-sensitivity, self-centeredness prevented him finding a permanent place of living and conducting stabilized. He was worried that it will go mad, like his grandfather. He had depression and melancholy, and at the end of his life suffered from tuberculosis.
. He died on August 4, 1875 Rolighed year near Copenhagen.
debuted in 1822 a collection of songs Juvenilia issued under the pseudonym William Christian Walter. Creativity for children not initially treated seriously, rather as occupy the margins of writing for adults. Although zastrzegał that his tales are boxes: children watch box, and adults have to look inside. We did not like when his tales from the beginning it was considered work for children, no deeper meaning. But just as fairy tales brought him great acclaim and fame. The first set of them (Eventyr fortalte for Born (Fairy Tales told for Children)), was published in Copenhagen in 1835, and subsequent volumes were published between 1836 and 1837. Encouraged by the successful first series, the writer seemed to others until 1872. Also, the log of his life. Illustrators of the first (and many more, to this day) editions of Andersen's fairy tales were Frølich and Lorenz Vilhelm Pedersen.
... Hans Christian Andersen * (born April 2, 1805 in Odense, died. August 4, 1875 at Rolighed near Copenhagen)
, yes, I consider the pradziwym Andersen-like cartoons, like jeego odbiłały its true "no-force"
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