Friday, February 25, 2011

Pokemon Platinum Gba Light 2010

Gdańsk - Oliwa, July 2004

We went to the botanical gardens.
" Oliwa Botanical Gardens - the assumption of a cognitive education as part of park. Adam Mickiewicz University in Oliwa.
Located in the northeastern part of the park covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 3 hectares. Bounded on the north course Oliwa Stream and on the south slope.
There is space for thermophilic plants - palm house. Among the plants distinguished by magnolias. The collection also features redwood, metasekwoja Chinese, pine, walnut and gray, skrzydłorzech Caucasian and shrubs.
Outside the botanical garden in the park but you can find such yew (Taxus), magnolias (Magnolia), azaleas (Rhododendron) and numerous plantings cypryśnika terrapin (Taxodium distichum), and Ginkgo dwuklapowego (Ginkgo biloba). "
from the home archive
This great palm tree I saw the first time.
from the home archive
of kwiatkach is not to mention simply enchanted me.
from the home archive

from the home archive


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