Friday, November 27, 2009

Project Report For Business Sample

I want now to Heaven!

I do not know how readers of this blog, but I know that life on Earth is not everything. What's more, I feel like a stranger in this world!
I can repeat the Apostle Paul:

,, and our homeland is in heaven, whence they expect the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ "(Philippians 3:20)

I am really looking forward to a life in which I meet with God face to face. Places where there will be no death, illness and grief. In heaven, there will be violence, nor will it be anger, hatred, and screaming. In this place will be perfect, powerful love of God.
love that never lasts.

immensity of God's love can be experienced right here on Earth. The Word of God says: , God And his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us ''(Romans 5:8)

True, it's hard to imagine a greater love and devotion to someone's life? This fact becomes even more powerful when we realize that this is a holy God, come in the flesh to die for sinful, full of unrighteousness of men. Jesus Christ died for us, because we were good. He gave his life for those who never did not deserve it.

Friend Do you know that God will be the salvation of everyone? God's intention is NOT you to spend eternity in hell! You do not believe me, but I believe that the Word of God, which says:

, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, although some believe that the delays, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but wants that all should come to repentance'' (2 Peter 3:9)

We have great promise. And you, and strives to Heaven?
If so, it is my great joy. If what we are journeying Heavenly homeland, you should realize that if you stay on Earth, it has a specific purpose.

should be understood that eternal life begins on Earth.

Will it be better for a Christian (a person having eternal life) is a force in the Earth's land of sorrow, or life with God? The answer seems obvious.

order, but to avoid confusion let us turn to the Bible.

Paul wrote to the church at Philippi these words: ,, For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. And if life in the body will allow fruitful work to me, I do not know what to choose. Both attracts me: I want to part with life and be with Christ, because it's far better, but on the other hand remain in the body, it's because more needful for you. And I know for sure that I will remain alive and will be with you all, you do progress, and rejoice in the faith''

This passage clearly shows that life in Heaven with Christ is incomparably better than the earthly life. Usually, that when we know God, at least for a while we are still here on earth. Often, our earthly life lasts a long time. Is This is a cause for concern? From the perspective of the Word of God can answer: NO!. Christians are on earth in order to be used by God to save the lost, bring glory to God, to build His Church.

What is even 100 years, in the face of eternity? Do not waste time in which God wants us to use. That I wish you and myself.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Churidar Cutting Demo

Justin: I have cancer ... and peace in your heart! Business Card

would like to share with you a moving testimony of a young Christian.
they were published on the organization belong Polkowice to Jesus.
My Friend-Bartosz Sokół engaged in the service NDJ-in asks all Christians to support prayer for Justine.

Below is the text of the

'' Rome. 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God."

I learned that I have cancer. I am glad that my parents told me about it, after this, when they were informed about it. In this way, I can be aware of what is happening with my body. I'm glad I do not hide the truth from me. On the other hand, this truth has not had on me too much influence. As usual, I adopted it to the news and I am on this very calm. This information has not caused me grief, on the contrary - I have a heart of joy and peace. I know that even before he was born, God wrote the script for my life, and just now realized it. Today I do not want anything else, just to agree with His will. It is He who created me, He knows me better, and he knows what is best for me. Besides, I gave him my life and I know that what he has planned for me will be the greatest and most useful. Recently I read some thoughts that prompted me to completely trust in God

unknown to us secure the future rests in the hands of our all-knowing God. "

I know that you can all and that none of your plan is not feasible for you." (Book of Job 42:2)

From the administrator (NDJ): On behalf of the youth
NDJ ask all Christians to pray on Justine. Serves God with all my heart and always provides for us great encouragement. I believe that God wants to glorify themselves in this situation, to join our fight!


also my prayer is that God took the glory in this difficult situation. Fortunately we
Word of God says:

,, I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor future, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "(Romans 8:38-39)

brothers and sisters in faith, we pray for the full healing for Justine, because, as Scripture says, God is a God of miracles and has the power to heal from any disease.

,, (Jesus Christ) took our infirmities upon himself and bore our sicknesses "(Mt 8,16-17).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Latin Phrase Congratulations


world today used all sorts of forms indicating the nationality of someone with a social group, professional, political, cultural, etc.
easy to know the specific uniform health care professional, or representatives of the uniformed services. For many people, not the problem statement to which the youth subculture, it must be a person dressed in the usual manner.

And then you can meet Christians?

Can a Christian we know, above all, the fish-shaped sticker on your car? A human can recognize Christ walking on the fact that the keys from the apartment, wears pendant with the inscription "Poland for Jesus''? Maybe element indicating that the someone is a Christian is a Bible verse on a shirt?

see what the Word of God says on this issue. In the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ says: 'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another''

As Christians we should showcase their love for each other, and not the external forms!

Do not get me wrong. I am not against this, that someone wore placed piece of the Word of God. What's more, I use these shirts. I want to say, however, that the inscription on the garment, or,,''Christian band on his hands, may not be the only elements that show our Christianity.

This cited passage clearly demonstrates the power of Christ's disciples to love one another.
This passage does not say, even a love for people from outside (although it is very important!), But indications are that the practical love of the Church is an effective way to draw the attention of people to Christ.

In modern Christianity we are very much different, more or less effective forms of evangelization, but may need more of God's Love between us?

I say this largely to themselves, because I am aware of my imperfections.

Maybe the key to ensure that, as more and more people come to know Christ personally, is the practice of brotherly love among the Church of God?

leave you with the Word of God, which has the power to change lives.

,, Therefore, by the time we have, well let us do everything, and the household of faith''(Galatians 6:9)

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Welcome to the Web! :-)

Welcome to the blog, What the Bible says?''!

I would move here for various topics concerning everyday life, but matters of eternity.
I would like to present a Bible publishing my point of view.
I hope that you will be happy to look here:)

I wish all the readers all the best.